Our Careers Education programme is based on the framework of eight GATSBY benchmarks of ‘Good Careers Guidance’ and we adhere to the Inspiring IAG Code of Practice. The Academy has been recognised for its outstanding careers programme by gaining the Gold Standard Quality in Careers Award. The national Quality in Careers Standard is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their futures.
Our Careers programme is reviewed regularly based on feedback from stakeholders with a clear outline of student entitlement and encounters.
Impact and monitoring
Regular monitoring and evaluation processes sample the views of staff, students, parents/carers, guidance professionals and external partners and these inform the CEIAG programme.
Throughout the year students are involved in the evaluation of CEIAG provision via student voice and questionnaires. Encounters are evaluated and help inform the future programme.
Student progression plans are tracked and their destinations help inform future CEIAG provision.
Parents and carers are given the opportunity to provide feedback on the CEIAG provision at the termly Parents Forum as well as through surveys. The Careers Lead meets with the Link Trustee for CEIAG and there is a termly report provided to Trustees on the provision.
Destinations Data
Intended Destinations are collected when students are in Year 11 with support and guidance offered. Destination data are collected by the local authority and published online. Below you can find the most recent destination data for Biddick Academy.
Provider access request procedure
A copy of our Provider Access Policy can be found within the policies section of our website. A provider wishing to request access to Biddick Academy should contact our Careers Lead, Mr C Morrison, at [email protected] or by contacting the main reception on 0191 511 1600
Biddick Academy carries out an annual review of its CEIAG provision; this is informed by analysis of local, regional and national data as well as feedback from CEIAG stakeholders. The CEIAG provision and Biddick Academy is mapped against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and the CDI Framework.
The next review will be November 2024.
Our Careers Lead is Mr Tristan Delf. You can contact Mr Delf at [email protected].