Values and Ethos

‘Inspiring learning, unlocking potential, achieving success’

The Academy’s ethos, ’inspiring learning, unlocking potential, achieving success’, is a reflection of an uncompromising belief that every child will be equally able to secure outstanding educational outcomes and reach their full potential in a positive learning community which supports and values their achievements.

At Biddick Academy we want everyone to: 

  • Be part of a safe and respectful community
  • Feel happy, valued and empowered so that we all thrive
  • Aspire to be the best we can be
  • Act with integrity
  • Nurture resilience and independence 
  • Have the attitude and character to excel in life
  • Have a desire to learn and work with passion, purpose and pride

Biddick Academy is somewhere where your child will feel safe, happy, inspired and cared for. We believe that we can achieve the very best for your son/daughter, by working in partnership with you. Every child is known and looked after individually at Biddick Academy, so that they not only fulfil their potential but are happy and confident at school. The warm, energetic and supportive environment supports our students to thrive academically and develop the skills to succeed in their next steps.

The Biddick Way

When our students leave us in Year 11, they will be curious, resilient, aspirational learners ready for the next steps in their lives. As our students develop these skills they will do so by being guided by the ethos and values of Biddick Academy. These are the values that encompass our core beliefs and capture what it means to be a part of Biddick Academy and the wider school community. This is known as ‘The Biddick Way’ and it comprised of five core values:

Everybody in our school should adhere to The Biddick Way at all times. This means that:

  • We RESPECT each other.
  • We approach all that we do with INTEGRITY.
  • We show COMMITMENT in our learning.
  • We strive for EQUALITY to make sure that Biddick Academy is a welcoming, safe place, for everyone.
  • We aim for EXCELLENCE so that we fulfil our potential.

The above allows us to feel a deserved sense of pride, in ourselves, in our school.

Students learn about these values and we nurture their ability to demonstrate these throughout Academy life. The Biddick Way is interwoven into our Personal Development lessons where we develop students’ character. Students also explore ‘The Biddick Way’ through Tutor Time exploring how ‘respect’ and ‘equality’ are represented through characters in books. Students are also rewarded and celebrated through Academy life for displaying behaviours and attitudes linked to our values.



We value ourselves, others and our environment by treating people with dignity  and being thoughtful.


 We show pride in our diversity by celebrating difference across all aspects of our community.


We strive to always preserve by facing challenges with courage and determination.


We aspire to be the best version or ourselves by having the ambition to reach our full potential.


We do the right thing because it is correct to do so.  We do this by holding ourselves to the highest moral standards all the time.


We also celebrate individuals who we believe as a community embody these values. We strive to follow their example and look up to them as students express their own character and build the skills they need for resilience, empathy and employability. These are presented below for you: