Equality and Diversity

Equality Statement

Biddick Academy is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively across the Academy with all students, staff, parents and carers and visitors. These principles are upheld by our behaviours and practices, governance and decision making.

Within the Academy we work proactively to identify and remove or reduce any barriers and inequalities in the access to education and opportunities through consultation, impact assessment, monitoring, reporting, action planning and review. The aim is to break down all barriers of discrimination, prejudice, fear or misunderstanding, which can affect learning for students.

At Biddick Academy we respect, understand and celebrate diversity in order to ensure a supportive and inclusive learning environment. We recognise that sometimes this will mean treating some people differently to enable everyone to have equality of opportunity, through a fair and consistent approach. This principle applies to students and staff.

General Equality Duty

In October 2010, the New Equality Act set out through the Public Sector Duty, which states that the Academy must have due regard to:

1) Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010

2) Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

3) Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

4) Consult and involve those affected by inequality in decisions that promote equality and eliminate discrimination – including parents, pupils, staff and members of the local community

Equality Objectives

These can be found below for you to download:

Equality Policy

Accessibility Plan

Equality, Diversity and the Protected Characteristics are embedded within the curriculum at the Academy.

Please find the attached document which provides examples of where students will explore these ideas within the curriculum.

Protected Characteristics

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to respecting each other’s differences. A reminder of our values is placed around the Academy for all members of our community.

Biddick Academy Code of Conduct